Outputs AllArticlesBriefsOpinions & blogsPodcasts Projects Please selectAGENTS: Amazonian Governance to Enable Transformations to SustainabilityCON-VIVA: Towards Convivial ConservationGold Matters: Sustainability Transformations in Gold MiningGoST: Governance of Sociotechnical TransformationsH2O - T2S: H2O - T2S in Urban Fringe AreasIPACST: Intellectual Property in Sustainability TransitionsMisty: Migration, Transformation and SustainabilitySecTenSusPeace: Localizing land-registration in conflict-affected areasT2SGS: Transformations to Groundwater SustainabilityTAPESTRY: Pathways to Sustainability in Marginal EnvironmentsTRUEPATH: Transforming unsustainable pathways in agricultural frontiersWaterproofing Data: Sustainable flood risk governance for urban resilience AllArticlesBriefsOpinions & blogsPodcasts Projects Please selectAGENTS: Amazonian Governance to Enable Transformations to SustainabilityCON-VIVA: Towards Convivial ConservationGold Matters: Sustainability Transformations in Gold MiningGoST: Governance of Sociotechnical TransformationsH2O - T2S: H2O - T2S in Urban Fringe AreasIPACST: Intellectual Property in Sustainability TransitionsMisty: Migration, Transformation and SustainabilitySecTenSusPeace: Localizing land-registration in conflict-affected areasT2SGS: Transformations to Groundwater SustainabilityTAPESTRY: Pathways to Sustainability in Marginal EnvironmentsTRUEPATH: Transforming unsustainable pathways in agricultural frontiersWaterproofing Data: Sustainable flood risk governance for urban resilience 30/12/21 Two IPs in a Pod podcast: On IP and Sustainability Podcasts 12/07/21 Sustainability transitions in manufacturing: the role of intellectual property Articles 14/06/21 Critical social science perspectives on transformations to sustainability – emerging framings and approaches Opinions & blogs 04/01/21 IPACST Knowledge brief on sustainability impact assessment Briefs 04/01/21 IPACST Knowledge brief on Intellectual Property Briefs 04/01/21 IPACST Knowledge brief on Intellectual Property licensing Briefs 04/01/21 IPACST Knowledge brief on Sustainable Business Models Briefs 04/01/21 Media Skills Training for Transformations to Sustainability Researchers Opinions & blogs 04/01/21 Integrating Intellectual Property and Sustainable Business Models: The SBM-IP Canvas Articles 04/01/21 A Conceptualization of Firm Activities Toward Sustainability Transitions Articles 04/01/21 Closed, Semi-Open, or Fully-Open? Towards an Intellectual Property Strategy Typology Articles 04/01/21 IP Strategies for Green Innovations – An Analysis of European Inventor Awards Articles 12>