Outputs AllArticlesBookBriefsInterviewsOpinions & blogsVideos Projects Please selectAGENTS: Amazonian Governance to Enable Transformations to SustainabilityCON-VIVA: Towards Convivial ConservationGold Matters: Sustainability Transformations in Gold MiningGoST: Governance of Sociotechnical TransformationsH2O - T2S: H2O - T2S in Urban Fringe AreasIPACST: Intellectual Property in Sustainability TransitionsMisty: Migration, Transformation and SustainabilitySecTenSusPeace: Localizing land-registration in conflict-affected areasT2SGS: Transformations to Groundwater SustainabilityTAPESTRY: Pathways to Sustainability in Marginal EnvironmentsTRUEPATH: Transforming unsustainable pathways in agricultural frontiersWaterproofing Data: Sustainable flood risk governance for urban resilience AllArticlesBookBriefsInterviewsOpinions & blogsVideos Projects Please selectAGENTS: Amazonian Governance to Enable Transformations to SustainabilityCON-VIVA: Towards Convivial ConservationGold Matters: Sustainability Transformations in Gold MiningGoST: Governance of Sociotechnical TransformationsH2O - T2S: H2O - T2S in Urban Fringe AreasIPACST: Intellectual Property in Sustainability TransitionsMisty: Migration, Transformation and SustainabilitySecTenSusPeace: Localizing land-registration in conflict-affected areasT2SGS: Transformations to Groundwater SustainabilityTAPESTRY: Pathways to Sustainability in Marginal EnvironmentsTRUEPATH: Transforming unsustainable pathways in agricultural frontiersWaterproofing Data: Sustainable flood risk governance for urban resilience 12/01/23 O ouro surpreende a gente – Gold surprises us Videos 12/01/23 Gold Matters in Kejetia (Gbane, Ghana) – Future makers Videos 12/01/23 Gold Matters in Tarkwa (Ghana) – Taking Small-Scale Mining to the Next Level Videos 15/12/22 T2S Early-career researchers’ perspectives: Carlos Henrique Xavier Araujo, University of São Paulo, Brazil; Gold Matters Interviews, Opinions & blogs 14/12/22 T2S Early-career researchers’ perspectives: Esther van de Camp, Leiden University, the Netherlands; Gold Matters Interviews, Opinions & blogs 22/06/22 Scenario Planning with small-scale gold miners in Busia District (Uganda) Opinions & blogs 22/03/22 For the generations that are not yet born Opinions & blogs 08/02/22 The Anthropology of Resource Extraction Book 17/12/21 Covid reveals flaws in the protection of girls in Uganda: recommendations on how to tackle sexual and gender-based violence Briefs 19/10/21 Gold Matters – From Africa to the Amazon Videos 24/09/21 Insecurity in Burkina Faso – beyond conflict minerals Briefs 24/09/21 Gold Matters in Burkina Faso: The Art of Bonding in Precarious Times Videos 12>