The Belmont Forum, Future Earth, and Future Africa are pleased to announce that the Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress 2022 (SRI2022) will take place from 20-24 June 2022, in Pretoria, South Africa, and online. This year’s Themes are New Horizons, Different Ways of Knowing, Nexus Issues, and African Science and Innovation Cross-Cutting Issues.
The Call for Session Proposals is now open.
Highlight your work on sustainability to a growing global audience and submit a proposal by 5 February 2022.
Those who anticipate holding a mid-term or end-term meeting for a Belmont Forum Research Call are encouraged to hold this at SRI by submitting through the proposal portal. We invite proposals for sessions in English, French, Japanese, Spanish, and Mandarin. The Belmont Forum will also host a variety of exciting events including the popular “Be Belmont Applicable” and the “Idea Market”.
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