Transformations to Sustainability is a Belmont Forum-NORFACE Joint Research Programme
Learning from the Transformations to Sustainability programme
This week began with a participative session at the Sustainability, Research and Innovation (SRI2022) conference at which the twelve T2S programme projects discussed their contributions to knowledge about and for transformations to sustainability. They were joined by representatives from the first phase of the T2S programme to synthesize learning about how research can contribute to practice and policy, and vice versa.
Resources round-up: latest outputs from the T2S community
Articles, blogs, videos, media coverage and more from the T2S programme projects and related research...
News from the T2S community:
Transforming periurban futures in India
India is being fundamentally transformed by urbanization. This transformation not only affects the cities themselves: it also affects the periurban areas around cities. These areas are currently experiencing fundamental transformations that will shape India’s (urban) future.
The H2O-T2S project has recently published a number of outputs on periurban transformations, recognizing the challenges for these areas, but also the immense opportunities and transformative initiatives and pathways emerging from different sectors.
Gold Matters exhibition to take place in Tamale, Ghana
An exclusive exhibition featuring new works by photographer Nii Obodai will take place this July/August. The exhibition portrays gold-mining lives and landscapes in images created by the Gold Matters project, which explores issues of sustainability and transformation in artisanal and small-scale gold mining.
Social innovations to enhance disaster risk reduction in São Luiz do Paraitinga, Brazil
A new blog co-authored by members of the Waterproofing Data project team identifies ten social innovations that could enhance disaster risk reduction, based on a study conducted in São Luiz do Paraitinga, Brazil, a city that is often exposed to the impacts of climate-related events. The social innovations were selected by different stakeholders from across the city, including students and members of the general public.
Scenario Planning with small-scale gold miners in Busia District (Uganda)
Insights from a scenario planning workshop at which gold miners debated the most important and uncertain drivers of artisanal and small-scale mining in relation to sustainability, and envisioned four worlds and one priority.
Groundwater, key to the Sustainable Development Goals
Uma Aslekar reports on the T2SGS project's participation in this international conference.
IPACST Advisory Board considers key findings emerging from case studies
Ahead of the final IPACST event at EPIP 2022 (see below), members of the project team met with the IPACST expert board to examine project findings.
Calls and other opportunities
Pathways Postdoctoral Grants: Call for Expressions of Interest
Future Earth's Pathways Initiative has launched a Call for Expressions of Interest for the Pathways Postdoctoral Grants. The grants will support three Pathways Projects that aim to encourage and enhance collaboration between various research communities working on pathways for sustainability and synthesising existing knowledge about the approaches for developing pathways within a specific theme. A Pathways Project will be developed by a working group which will include a postdoctoral researcher funded through the grant. Overall, the grants will support three working groups on three different themes and their postdoctoral researchers over a 24-month period.
The Deadline for Expressions of Interest is 11 September 2022. Find out more here.
14-16 September 2022 Cambridge, UK
June/July 2023 Online and in person in Sydney, Australia
More details coming soon - to get involved with conference design please complete the survey here.