Journal articles, books and other publications
Adger, N. 2022. Operationalising ‘adaptation limits’ in a policy context – Background document for UNEP workshop on Loss and damage: taking stock and identifying areas for support, 5 December 2022. Available for download together with other background documents from the meeting here.
Beck, S., Forsyth, T., & Mahony, M. (2022). Urgent need to move toward solution-orientated environmental assessment. One Earth, 5(6), 586–588.
Beck, S. & Siebenhuener, B. (2022). Organisational Learning. In K. De Pryck and M. Hulme (Eds.), A Critical Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press
Jasanoff, S.: “A Stress Test for Politics: A Comparative Perspective on Policy Responses to COVID-19” (with S. Hilgartner), in J. Grogan and A. Donald, eds., Routledge Handbook on Law and the COVID-19 Pandemic (London: Routledge, 2022).
Jasanoff, S.: “Knowledge for a Just Climate,” Climatic Change, Vol. 169, pp. 36-44 (2021),
Jasanoff, S. “Preparing for the Long Journey,” Congreso Futuro, Chile, January 18, 2022 (online).
Jasanoff, S. “Memory, Recall, and Repair: the Politics of Time in the Anthropocene,” Series on STS, Political Order and Maintaining Planetary Life, WITS Institute for Social and Economic Research (WISER), South Africa, April 6, 2022 (online).
Jasanoff, S. “Captain or Captive: Human Agency in a New Machine Age,” Newman Lecture, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY, April 7, 2022 (theoretical talk, raising questions of constitutionalism)
Jasanoff, S. (speaker), Symposium on “Climate Change in South Asia,” Lakshmi Mittal South Asia Institute, May 18, 2022.
Fisher, Luning, Obodai et al., 2023. Gold Matters: Visualizing Mining Worlds, Nordic Africa Institute: Uppsala, Sweden. ISBN: 978-91-7106-889-7
Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., Ferreira, L. C. & de Theije, M. 2022. Balancing economic development and environmental responsibility: Perceptions from communities of garimpeiros in the Brazilian Amazon. Resources Policy, 79, p. 1-11 11 p. 103063.
Luning, S. & Pijpers, R.J. 2022. Drawing on words and images: collaborations in the anthropology of the underground, In Anthropology and Photography No. 16.
Morrison, T.H., Adger, W.N., Agrawal, A. et al. 2022. Radical interventions for climate-impacted systems. Nature Climate Change 12, 1100–1106.
Adger, W.N., Barnett, J., Heath, S. et al. 2022. Climate change affects multiple dimensions of well-being through impacts, information and policy responses. Nature Human Behaviour 6, 1465–1473.
Chapin, F.S., Weber, E.U., Bennett, E.M., Adger, W. N. et al. 2022. Earth stewardship: Shaping a sustainable future through interacting policy and norm shifts. Ambio 51.
The Gold Matters project has produced three films in the final months of 2022:
- Gold Matters in Kejetia (Gbane, Ghana) – Future makers
- Gold Matters in Tarkwa (Ghana) – Taking Small-Scale Mining to the Next Level
- O ouro surpreende a gente – Gold surprises us
Sheila Jasanoff, who is a Principal Investigator for the Governance of Sociotechnical Transformations (GoST) project, was awarded the 2022 Holberg Prize for her groundbreaking research in science and technology studies (STS):
- Watch the 2022 Holberg Lecture: “Democracy in an Unknowable World” (8 June 2022).
- Watch the 2022 Holberg Symposium: Expertise and World-Making (8 June 2022).
Harvard Kennedy School Events: The Impact of Science and Technology on Society with Sheila Jasanoff (17 May 2022).
Blogs and other publications from around the web
Delaney, N. Sheila Jasanoff, a pioneer of science and technology studies, looks back on how the field has matured and forward to how it might evolve (2 November 2022).
Stirling, A. & Johnstone, P. Why is support for nuclear power noisiest just as its failures become most clear?. OpenDemocracy (9 January 2022).
Stirling, A. Is the naming of ‘climate change’ a dangerous self-defeat? Brave New Europe (14 January 2022)
Stirling, A. Does the delusion of climate control do more harm than good to climate disruption?. Brave New Europe (21 January 2022)
Stirling, A. Betraying the climate? Has environmentalism succumbed to a modernity it hitherto resisted? Brave New Europe (28 January 2022)
Stirling, A. Thriving in an ever-changing world: from technocratic control to emancipatory care? Brave New Europe (4 February 2022).
Header image: Janko Ferlič on Unsplash.