Findings from the IPACST project demonstrate that intellectual property (IP), including both formal IP rights such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights as well as informal IP assets such as data, technical and industrial know-how, forms an integral part of a sustainability-oriented business.
However, businesses acknowledge a general lack of awareness and insufficient guidelines about using IP for facilitating sustainability transition. By combining expert knowledge from strategic IP management, business models, and sustainability fields, the IPACST team has created an open access teaching kit that academics, teachers, industry practitioners, and anyone interested in learning about IP and sustainability can use for free.
The teaching kit includes introductory slides, reading lists, and selected case studies on IP and sustainability. All the teaching kit materials are available for download from the IPACST website as an open access publication distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution By License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original authors and source are credited.