Journal articles and conference papers
de Castro, F. and Futemma, C., 2021. Farm Knowledge Co-Production at an Old Amazonian Frontier: Case of the Agroforestry System in Tomé-Açu, Brazil. Rural Landscapes: Society, Environment, History, 8(1), p.3. DOI: http://doi.org/10.16993/rl.72
Tiago, N. P. dos Reis et al. 2021. Trading deforestation—why the legality of forest-risk commodities is insufficient, Environ. Res. Lett. 16 124025. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac358d
Verbrugge, B., Lanzano, C., Libassi, M. 2021. The cyanide revolution: Efficiency gains and exclusion in artisanal- and small-scale gold mining, Geoforum, Volume 126, 2021, pp. 267-276, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2021.07.030
Zickgraf, C. 2021. Theorizing (im)mobility in the face of environmental change. Regional Environmental Change, 21: 126, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-021-01839-2.
This new academic piece takes several ‘mainstream’ migration theories and applies them to the study of immobility in the context of environmental change. There is no theoretical silver bullet here but rather an argument for theoretical pluralism to advance research and knowledge on all kinds of human mobility.
Stirling, A., Burgman, M. 2021. Strengthening conservation science as a crisis discipline by addressing challenges of precaution, privilege, and individualism, Conservation Biology, 19. https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13809
Van Dyck, B., Kenis, A., Stirling, A. 2021. The genetically modified organism shall not be refused? Talking back to the technosciences, Environment and Planning E, https://doi.org/10.1177/25148486211042307
A. Stirling, Branching pathways in agroecological transformations, preface at pages 23-32 to C. Lamine, D. Magda, M. Rivera-Ferre, T. Marsden (eds), Agrocecological transitions, between determinist and open-ended visions, Peter Lang, Bruxelles, 2021. Free download.
Merlet, P. 2021. The ecological agrarian question in the Nicaraguan agricultural frontier. How to promote more sustainable development pathways, Doctoral dissertation.
Keynote entitled “Science and Emerging Technology for Inclusive Transition: New Directions” by Sheila Jasanoff at the OECD conference “Technology in and for Society“, 6 December 2021.
Presentation by Andrew Stirling, Precaution in Innovation Governance: some 21st Century challenges, presentation to NABU virtual conference on ‘Vorsorge und Innovation – Fit for Future?’, Berlin, 18th November 2021.
Presentation by A. Stirling, Community Led Initiatives and Incumbent Policy Institutions: opening up transformative political spaces, presentation to webinar of the Social Solidarity Economy & the Commons Network on ‘Opportunities and Barriers for Community-led Initiatives in Interacting with International Policy Institutions in the European Context’, 13th December 2021.
Publications from around the web
Covid reveals flaws in the protection of girls in Uganda: recommendations on how to tackle sexual and gender-based violence, Viola Nilah Nyakato, Elizabeth Kemigisha, Margaret Tuhumwire, Eleanor Fisher.
Empowering marginalised communities: This feature story by the ISC in partnership with BBC Storyworks shares an insight into research being carried out by the TAPESTRY and MISTY projects.
Videos from conferences and webinars
Land-use practices towards sustainability in the Amazon region: This webinar (in Brazilian Portuguese) focuses on how local people and initiatives are working to improve sustainable development in the Amazon region.
Keynote presentation by Sheila Jasanoff: “Spaceship or Stewardship: Imaginaries of Sustainability in the Information Age” for the online conference “Ruptures, Transformations, Continuities. Rethinking Infrastructures and Ecology.
Presentation by A. Stirling, Loni Hensler, Dylan McGarry, “Transdisciplinary methods for sustainability transformations, international workshop on The ‘Methods Bazaar’: What Did We Learn About Transdisciplinary Methods For Sustainability?” STEPS Centre, Brighton, 8th November 2021
Presentation by Andrew Stirling, ‘Nuclear Politics in the UK’, presentation to virtual conference on ‘Coal, Nuclear, Renewables – A Complex Energy Story’, Goethe Institute, London, 8th November 2021. Conference video.
In the press…
Vos, C. Rond de bloedgoudmijnen van Burkina Faso heerst de angst voor terreur [Fear of terror surrounds Burkina Faso’s blood gold mines], published in de Volkskrant. Alizeta Ouedraogo, who’s a member of the Gold Matters project team, was interviewed for this article.
Borges, A. Brasil tem 70 milhões de hectares de floresta em propriedades rurais sob ameaça de desmate [70 million hectares of forest on rural properties threatened by deforestation in Brazil], published 11 November 2021 in Estadão
Viega, E. Especialistas alertam para a vulnerabilidade dos ativistas ambientais [Experts issue warning on the vulnerability of environmental activists], published 13 September 2021 in Estadão.
Header photo: Susan Q Yin on Unsplash.