Journal articles and conference papers
Szaboova, L., Safra de Campos, R., Adger, W. N., Abu, M., Codjoe, S. N. A., Franco Gavonel, M., Das, S., Siddiqui, T., Rocky, M. H., & Hazra, S. (2021). Urban sustainability and the subjective well-being of migrants: The role of risks, place attachment, and aspirations. Population, Space and Place, e2505.
Beck, Silke & Oomen, Jeroen. (2021). Imagining the corridor of climate mitigation – What is at stake in
IPCC’s politics of anticipation?, in: Environmental Science & Policy, 123, S. 169-178.
This article examines how the IPCC performs its self-proclaimed role as ‘mapmaker‘ by using Integrated Assessment Models as the preferred scientific approach to projecting mitigation pathways.
Jasanoff, Sheila & Simmet, Hilton R. (2021). Renewing the future: Excluded imaginaries in the global energy transition, in: Energy Research & Social Science, 80, 102205.
This article resituates “sociotechnical imaginaries” (STIs) in relation to its origin story within co-productionist STS to enhance its analytic power in relation to energy research, where STIs are widely used.
Jasanoff, Sheila (2021). Humility in the Anthropocene, in: Globalizations, 18, 6, S. 1-15.
In this paper, Jasanoff looks at a site of struggle between a persistent human imperialism and more humble ways of knowing and guiding humanity’s planetary future from standpoints in ethics, politics and law.
Lehmann, P., Beck, S., de Brito, M. M., Gawel, E., Groß, M., Haase, A., … & Thrän, D. (2021). Environmental Sustainability Post-COVID-19: Popular Hypotheses from a Social Science Perspective. Sustainability, 13(16), 8679.
Jain, A., & Gurtoo, A. 2021. Can the restrictive boundaries of intellectual property create a larger social impact? Current Science, 120(11), 1667 – 1669.
Vimalnath, P., Tietze, F., Eppinger, E., Jain, A., Gurtoo, A. & Kushnir, E. 2021. Responsible Intellectual Property Strategies: Insights from Case Studies of Sustainable Companies. Presented at the EPIP 2021 Conference, 2021, 8-10 Sep 2021, Madrid. (Find out more about EPIP 2021)
Vimalnath, P., Tietze, F., Jain, A., Gurtoo, A., & Eppinger, E. 2021. An empirical investigation of intellectual property for sustainability and its relevance to IPR policy. Presented at the EPIP 2021 Conference, 2021, 8-10 Sep 2021, Madrid. (Find out more about EPIP 2021)
Vimalnath, P., Tietze, F., Eppinger, E., Jain, A., Gurtoo, A. & Kushnir, E. 2021. Responsible Intellectual Property Strategies: Insights from Case Studies of Sustainable Companies. Presented at the R&D Management Conference 2021, July 2021.
Vimalnath, P., Tietze, F., Eppinger, E., Jain, A., Gurtoo, A. & Kushnir, E. 2021. Responsible Intellectual Property Strategies: Insights from Case Studies of Sustainable Companies. Presented at the R&D Management Conference 2021, July 2021.
Vimalnath, P., Tietze, F., & Elsen, M. 2021. Intellectual property (IP) strategies for sustainable impact. Presented at the STIM 2021 Network Meeting, 14 July 2021, Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge, UK.
Dr Pratheeba Vimalnath from the IPACST team presented the outputs of STIM project (a mini-project that stemmed from the IPACST research) during the STIM network meeting and member forum. During the meeting, pratheeba presented the first version of the responsible IP strategy framework and the interested STIM members provided feedback on the framework in the subsequent discussions.
T2SGS partner The Advanced Center for Water Resources Development and Management (ACWADAM) recently organized a series of four webinars on Groundwater Governance. All are now available to view online.
Members and partners of the TAPESTRY project team participated in the virtual roundtable: Sundarbans Without Boundaries: Co-creating Transformative Knowledge and Action and video: Reimagining Versova Koliwada; A Placemaking Initiative
Gold Matters in Burkina Faso: The Art of Bonding in Precarious Times
Publications from around the web
Schrader, C. (for Riffreporter) (2021). 1,5 Grad-Grenze ist „derzeit nicht plausibel“[1.5 degree limit is “currently not plausible”] interview with Silke Beck
Vimalnath, P. 2021. A short news on “IPACST – EU Green Week 2021 Partner event”. Centre for Technology Management (CTM) Newsletter, Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge, UK.
Sumaiya Binte Anwar, Research Officer, ICCCAD; Mahmuda Akter, Research Officer, ICCCAD; Faizah Jaheen Ahmed, Research Intern, ICCCAD, Printing the Calamity: Pattachitra Scrolls on Tropical Cyclones and Natural Disasters in Shyamnagar, Shatkhira
Insecurity in Burkina Faso – beyond conflict minerals
This policy note – available in English and French – explores the complex links between artisanal gold mining and violence.
Johan Sävström, Uphill struggle for small-scale miners in Africa, 15 Jul
MISTY partners RMMRU-BCSM-MFA jointly organized the 10th eSymposium on Fair and Ethical Recruitment, eSymposium Series of Build Back Better: RMMRU on Covid-19 and Migration on 31st August 2021. The symposium was covered in the following publications:
Ethical practice in recruitment a must, 1 September 2021, The Daily Star (Bangladesh).
Fair, ethical recruitment key to safe migration: Experts, 31 August 2021, The Business Standard.
Ensure skills training, ethical employment: experts, 31 August 2021, New Age Bangladesh.
Safe recruitment for migrant workers emphasised again, 1 September 2021, The Financial Express.
A dissemination workshop on ‘Reintegration of the Returnee Migrants in context of COVID-19’ was held on 26th August 2021, organized by RMMRU with the support of PROKAS and the British Council. The workshop was covered in the media:
PKB’s poor capacity behind low loan disbursement to returnees: Study, 26 August 2021, The Business Standard.
Thrust on special reintegration loan of Probashi Kallyan Bank, 27 August 2021, The Financial Express
PKB disburses Tk 1.4bn loans among migrant returnees, 30 August 2021, Daily Sun
Probashi Kallyan Bank puts up a poor show, 27 August 2021, The Business Post
The National Launch of the RMMRU-MFA study on Addressing Systemic Challenges of Wage Theft: Bangladesh COVID-19 Returnees from the Gulf States, was organized jointly by BCSM and RMMRU on 11 August 2021 and covered in the press:
Address migrant workers’ wage theft claims: experts, 12 August 2021, The Daily Star (Bangladesh)
Study: 63% migrants forced to return due to Covid-19 despite having work visas,11 August 2021, Dhaka Tribune
Bangladeshi migrant workers in Gulf States victim of wage theft, 12 August 2021, The Financial Express
68% returnee migrants lost wages: Study, 11 August 2021, The Business Standard