The International Science Council (ISC), on behalf of the Belmont Forum and NORFACE network, is seeking an expert or team of experts to work with the ISC in designing and conducting a synthesis study of the knowledge and learning emerging from the Transformations to Sustainability (T2S) programme.
The midterm evaluation of the T2S programme in 2020 highlighted both the significant opportunities for cross-project, integrated knowledge production and learning offered by the programme and the difficulties in realizing those opportunities due to resource constraints and the COVID-19 pandemic.
The overarching goal of the synthesis study is thus to make the best possible programme-level contribution to knowledge on (1) transformations to sustainability and (2) how to enable and foster research for transformations to sustainability in terms of programme design, drawing on the ongoing work and findings of all projects in the programme and on perspectives from all regions of the world represented in the projects.
The ISC is now seeking an expert consultant or a small team of experts, at the same or different institutions, if complementary skills are available. The consultant(s) should have knowledge of the landscape of (transdisciplinary) social science research on environmental change and transformations to sustainability, as well as demonstrated experience in knowledge synthesis and the study of science. Experience of international, North–South scientific collaboration and English language proficiency are essential.
Key dates:
The timeframe for the study is approximately 15 months (with a definitive end date of 31 December 2022).
30 Jun 2021: Deadline for expressions of interest
Jul 2021: Exploratory discussions with shortlisted candidates
15 Aug 2021: Selection of consultant and agreement on terms
1 Sep 2021: Launch of study
30 Sep 2021: Agreement on initial concept note (see Deliverable 1)
31 Nov 2022: End of study
To find out more about the background to the study, objectives, approach and methodology, as well as the deliverables, budget and the desired profile of the consultant, download the full request for proposals.
Questions about this request for proposals may be addressed to Sarah Moore (sarah.moore@council.science).