Recent publications resulting from the T2S projects or from relevant research by members of the T2S community:
Articles and book chapters
Adger, W.N., Crépin, A.S., Folke, C., Ospina, D., Chapin III, F.S., Segerson, K., Seto, K.C., Anderies, J.M.,
Barrett, S., Bennett, E.M. Daily, G. etyt al., 2020. Urbanization, Migration, and Adaptation to Climate
Change. One Earth, 3(4), pp.396-399.
Bastiaensen Johan, Huybrechs Frédéric, Forcella Davide, Van Hecken Gert. 2020. Microfinance plus for ecosystem services : a territorial perspective on Proyecto CAMBio in Nicaragua, in: Value chain development and the poor : promise, delivery, and opportunities for impact at scale, Rugby,
Practical Action Publishing, p. 263-279.
Carr, Edward R. Resilient livelihoods in an era of global transformation. Global Environmental Change,
Volume 64, September 2020
Chad S. Boda, Murray Scown, Turaj Faran, Maryam Nastar, Kelly Dorkenoo, Brian Chaffin & Emily Boyd,
2020. Framing Loss and Damage from climate change as the failure of Sustainable Development.
Climate and Development,
J. Calvimontes, L. Massaro, C.H.X. Araujo, R.R. Moraes, J. Mello, L.C. Ferreira, M. de Theije, Small-scale gold mining and the COVID-19 pandemic: Conflict and cooperation in the Brazilian Amazon, The Extractive Industries and Society, Volume 7, Issue 4, 2020, pp. 1347-1350,
Carton, W., Asiyanbi, A., Beck, S., Buck, H. & Lund, J. (2020). Negative emission and the long history of
carbon removal. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 11(6), e671.
A Conceptualization of Firm Activities Toward Sustainability Transitions. Proceedings, 2020.
,Hernández-Chea, R.; Vimalnath, P.; Bocken, N.; Tietze, F.; Eppinger, E. Integrating Intellectual Property and Sustainable Business Models: The SBM-IP Canvas. Sustainability 2020, 12, 8871.
Karpouzoglou T, Dewulf A, Perez K, Gurung P, Regmi S, Isaeva A, Foggin M, Bastiaensen J, Van Hecken G, Zulkafli Z, et al. 2020. From present to future development pathways in fragile mountain landscapes. Environmental Science & Policy, 114:606-613.
Jasanoff, S. (2020). Imagined worlds: The politics of future-making in the twenty-first century. In The
Politics and Science of Prevision (pp. 27-44). Routledge.
Jasanoff, S. (2020). Knowing Earth. An Insider’s Guide to a Rapidly Changing Planet. In Tortell, P (Ed.).
Earth 2020: An Insider’s Guide to a Rapidly Changing Planet (pp. 169-176). Open Book Publisher.
Jasanoff, S. (2020). Pathologies of Liberty. Public Health Sovereignty and the Political Subject in the
Covid-19 Crisis. Cahiers Droit, Sciences & Technologies, (11), 125-149.
Jasanoff, S. (2020). Ours Is the Earth: Science and Human History in the Anthropocene. Special issue of
the Journal of the Philosophy of History. 10.1163/18722636-12341447
Jolivet, D. “Welfare and Migration: Unfulfilled Aspirations to “Have Rights” in the South-Moroccan
Todgha Valley” IMI Working Paper Series, 170. November 2020.
Johnstone, P., Rogge, K. S., Kivimaa, P., Fratini, C. F., Primmer, E., & Stirling, A. (2020). Waves of
disruption in clean energy transitions: Sociotechnical dimensions of system disruption in Germany and
the United Kingdom. Energy Research & Social Science, 59, 101287.
Riedy, C. Discourse coalitions for sustainability transformations: common ground and conflict beyond neoliberalism, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Vol. 45, 2020, p. 100-112.
Stirling, A., & Scoones, I. (2020). COVID-19 and the Futility of Control in the Modern World. Issues in
Science and Technology, 38(4), 25-27.
Siddiqui, T., Szaboova, L., Adger, W.N., Safra de Campos, R., Bhuiyan, M.R.A. and Billah, T., 2020. Policy
Opportunities and Constraints for Addressing Urban Precarity of Migrant Populations. Global Policy.
(2020). IP Strategies for Green Innovations – An Analysis of European Inventor Awards.
2020: Closed, Semi-Open, or Fully-Open? Towards an Intellectual Property Strategy Typology. Proceedings, 2020.
,Eight researchers from the Gold Matters project recently participated as contributing authors for
the book “Global Gold Production Touching Ground: Expansion, Informalization, and Technological
Innovation” edited by Sara Geenen and Boris Verbrugge.
- Through twelve study cases, the book explores the expansion, informalization and technical innovation of global gold production, demonstrating how large and small-scale gold mining are both integral parts of the global gold production system, and how gold extraction is entrenched in institutional and ecological structures. Find out more and watch the videos from the book launch.
Gemenne, François. 2020. On a tous un ami noir. Fayard, 2020
- This book by François Gemenne (MISTY project) offers an alternative to the way immigration is currently debated. It builds on facts, research and testimony to show that is possible to engage with the question of immigration in a rational and calm way.
Alizèta Ouédraogo, 2020, « De l’« empowerment » des femmes lobi sur les sites d’orpaillage dans le Sud-Ouest du Burkina Faso » [On the ’empowerment’ of Lobi women on gold-panning sites in south-west Burkina Faso], in Militance Pour la connaissance des sociétés du Sud-Ouest du Burkina Faso. Hommage à Madeleine Père, coordinated by Yamba Bidima, Michèle Cros et Quentin Mégret, L’Harmattan, pp. 171-180.
Alizèta Ouédraogo also participated in a webinar on 22 October, organized by INSUCO and Chambre des Mines du Burkina Faso on the topic « Quelle responsabilité sociale des mines face à la Covid 19 – partage d’expériences. » Ouédraogo’s presentation was on “L’orpaillage et la Covid-19 dans le sud-ouest du Burkina Faso” [Gold-panning and COVID-19 in the south-west of Burkina Faso”. Please contact Virginie Tallio if you would like to watch a recording of the webinar.
Working papers and knowledge briefs
Anjula Gurtoo and Akriti Jain, IPACST Knowledge brief on sustainability impact assessment
Viola Prifti and Elisabeth Eppinger, IPACST Knowledge brief on Intellectual Property licensing
Nancy Bocken and Roberto Hernandez Chea, IPACST Knowledge brief on Sustainable Business Models
Frank Tietze and Pratheeba Vimalnath, IPACST Knowledge brief on Intellectual Property
Debating Development: Reflecting on Decolonial Perspectives
TRUEPATH partner, Johan Bastiaensen, was a presenter in a recent webinar on ‘A decolonial turn for development studies?’, part of a series run by the University of Antwerp Institute of Development Policy (IOB) and University foundation for Development Cooperation (USOS).
Evidence vs Myth – Understanding Displacement in a Changing Climate.
MISTY Partner, François Gemenne, was one of the panel of experts taking part in this dialogue hosted by
the IDMC (internal displacement monitoring centre) on 8 December 2020.
Streamlining Labour Recruitment through Regularisation of Middlemen, RMMRU (MISTY project partners), 29 November 2020.
She has also participated in the « Quelle responsabilité sociale des mines face à la Covid 19 – partage d’expériences. » webinar on the 22nd of October, organized by INSUCO and Chambre des Mines du Burkina Faso with a communication on “L’orpaillage et la Covid-19 dans le sud-ouest du Burkina Faso”.
In the press…
Maya Goodfellow, How helpful is the term ‘climate refugee’? 31 August 2020, The Guardian.
MISTY project partners Ricardo Safra de Campos and Caroline Zickgraf are cited in this article in relation to their expert roles giving evidence to the House of Lords EU Home Affairs sub-committee on the subject of climate refugees.
Around the web…
Big Climate Movement: Migration & displacement in times of climate change,” Migration Matters, 14 September 2020.
MISTY project partners Caroline Zickgraf and François Gemenne participate in a 12-episode series dissecting the complex interactions between climate change and migration.
“It’s not easy but our voices and the voices of the marginalised need to be heard.”
Interview with MISTY partner Tasneem Siddiqui, (RMMRU), Asian Forum for Human Rights and
Development, 8 October 2020.
Bruno Jochum, François Gemenne: ‘We need more open borders ahead of the climate crisis’, Geneva Solutions, 11 December 2020.