A call for applications for the 4th cohort of the Postdoc Academy for Transformational Leadership has now been released.
The Postdoc Academy for Transformational Leadership is a unique programme that develops the next generation of leaders in sustainability research affiliated with a European research institution. With this year’s focus topic “Pathways for regenerative development in human nature relationships. Building back better?”, the programme provides an intensive training with four seminars in two years that broaden the research competencies of early career researchers and promote their qualification towards transdisciplinary leadership. The programme also offers seed funding to groups of participants planning to initiate research collaborations. Furthermore, an active network of current and former participants of the programme will be established.
The programme is an initiative of the Robert Bosch Stiftung and a joint project of the Robert Bosch Stiftung and the four academic centres Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (IRI THESys), Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Stockholm Resilience Centre and The Dutch Research Institute for Transitions (DRIFT), Rotterdam.
For further information on the application process, please see here and refer to the Postdoc Academy Flyer_2021.
Applications can be submitted until 15th February 2021.