The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has an open call for nominations to participate in the IPBES workshop on modelling Nature Future scenarios.
Interested experts wishing to be nominated by a Government are encouraged to contact their IPBES National Focal Point regarding any country-specific processes or deadlines and are requested to fill out their application form by 9 November 2020. Nominators (Governments or organizations) should approve the applications and submit their nominations by 16 November 2020. Organizations or institutions are also invited to make a nomination by 16 November.
The objectives of this workshop are to introduce the Nature Futures Framework and help catalyse the development of scenarios and models for IPBES by communities that develop and apply models of different types, scales and domains relevant to biodiversity and ecosystem services.
All nominated experts (Nominees) will need to be available for the full duration of the online workshop, scheduled for 12-15 January 2021 and are expected to participate in the possible physical workshops later in 2021.
Nominees are invited to fill out the application form and attach their curriculum vitae through the dedicated web portal at
Deadline for nominations: 9 November 2020.
Find out more on the IPBES website.