Recent publications resulting from the T2S projects or from relevant research by members of the T2S community:
Articles and book chapters
Arnim Scheidel, Daniela Del Bene, Juan Liu et al. Environmental conflicts and defenders: A global overview, Global Environmental Change, Vol. 63, July 2020, 102104
de Albuquerque, J. P. de & de Almeida, A. A., (forthcoming). Modes of engagement: reframing ‘sensing’ and data generation in citizen science for empowering relationships. In: Mah, A. and Davies, T. (forthcoming), Toxic Truths: Environmental Justice and Citizen Science in a Post Truth Age. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. [pre-print chapter available here]
Transformación de Conflictos Socio Ambientales e Interculturalidad. Explorando las Interconexiones, Iokiñe Rodríguez, Carlos Sarti Castañeda and Vladimir Aguilar Castro (Eds.)
Cartografías del conficto ambiental en la Argentina 3, Mauricio Berger et al.; coordinated by Gabriela Merlinsky. Buenos Aires : Fundación CICCUS, 2020.
Adger WN, Safra de Campos R, Siddiqui T, Szaboova L (2020). Commentary: Inequality, precarity and sustainable ecosystems as elements of urban resilience. Urban Studies, 57(7), 1588-1595.
Mach KJ, Adger WN, Buhaug H, Burke M, Fearon JD, Field CB, Hendrix CS, Kraan CM, Maystadt J, O’Loughlin J, et al(2020). Directions for Research on Climate and Conflict. Earth’s Future, 8(7).
L. F. Saldanha (2020) Decentralised Governance and Responses to Survive COVID-19: Securing Civil and
Political Rights, in: Center for Financial Accountability (ed) Solidarity Series: Conversations during
Lockdown & Beyond
S. Beck and T. Forsyth (2020) Who gets to imagine transformative change? Participation and representation in biodiversity assessments. Environmental Conservation, doi:
A. Stirling (2020) Engineering And Sustainability: control and care in unfoldings of modernity, in: D. P.
Michelfelder, N. Doorn (eds) Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Engineering, Routledge, London
C Futemma, F de Castro, ES Brondízio. 2020. Farmers and Social Innovations in Rural Development: Collaborative Arrangements in Eastern Brazilian Amazon. Land Use Policy, vol. 99.
Ian Scoones and Andy Stirling (Eds). 2020. The Politics of Uncertainty: Challenges of Transformation. Oxford, Taylor & Francis. Download/read online (Open Access).
The book explores themes raised in the STEPS Centre’s 2019 theme on Uncertainty, including last year’s international symposium on ‘The Politics of Uncertainty’.
Authors include Ian Scoones, Andy Stirling, Timo Walter, Leon Wansleben, Leigh Johnson, Patrick van Zwanenberg, Emery Roe, Matthew Cook, Federico Cugurullo, James Evans, Sobia Ahmad Kaker, Saska Petrova, Lyla Mehta, Shilpi Srivastava, Hayley MacGregor, Santiago Ripoll, Melissa Leach, Mark Pelling, Detlef Mueller-Mahn, John McCloskey, Dorte Thorsen, Helena Farrand Carrapico, Narzanin Massoumi, William McGowan, Gabe Mythen and Nathan Oxley.
Peña, A, P. Tubari, L. Chuve, M. Chore, C. Ipi (2020). The History of Lomerio. English Translation. CICOL, NUR University and University of East Anglia. August, 2020.
This recent English translation of a book written by Former Chief General of CICOL Anacleto Pena and indigenous researchers Pedro Tubari, Lide Chuve, Maria Chore and Cecilia Ipi highlights the long struggle for freedom of the Monkoxi Nation in Bolivia, in the context of environmental justice and territorial based indigenous autonomy. The publication was overseen by Mirna Inturias and Iokiñe Rodriguez, members of the ACKNowl-EJ project formed under the first phase of the Transformations to Sustainability programme. Watch the participatory video: On the Road to Freedom – The History of the Monkox People of Lomerio.
See also:
Challenges to intercultural democracy in the Plurinational State of Bolivia: case study of the Monkoxɨ peoples of Lomerío
Iokiñe Rodriguez and Mirna Inturias
Press coverage
Outra dimensão das mudanças climáticas [Another dimension of climate change], Bruno de Pierro, Pesquisa FAPESP, 2 April 2020.