Recent publications resulting from the T2S projects or from relevant research by members of the T2S community:
Wagner, L and Walter, M. (2020). Cartografía de la conflictividad minera en Argentina (2003-2018). Un análisis desde el Atlas de Justicia Ambiental, In: G. Merlinsky (Ed.). Cartografías del Conflicto Ambiental en Argentina III. CICCUS/CLACSO: Buenos Aires.
DC Monteiro Tourne, C Futemma, F de Castro, ES Brondízio, ML da Cunha, S Ortiz Siani. Iniciativas visitadas em Santarém e entorno [Initiatives visited in Santarem and surroundings] 06 a 15 de dezembro de 2019.
M Londres, C Salk, C Futemma, F de Castro, DC Monteiro Tourne, ES Brondízio. Iniciativas e Organizações visitadas no Acre [Organizations visited in Acre]. 19 de Outubro a 1 de Dezembro de 2019.
M Londres, DC Monteiro Tourne, SO Siani, C Futemma, F de Castro, C Salk, M Tengö, Gabriela Russo, ES Brondízio. Iniciativas visitadas em Abaetetuba, PA [Initiatives visited in Abaetetuba, PA]. 21 a 27 de Junho de 2019.
Adger, W.N., Safra de Campos, R., Siddiqui, T. and Szaboova, L., 2020. Commentary: Inequality, precarity and sustainable ecosystems as elements of urban resilience. Urban Studies, 57(7), pp.1588-1595.
MISTY partner in Liege, François Gemenne took part in a European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) online hearing “Climate refugees account for more than a half of all migrants but enjoy little protection,”(April 17th, 2020)
In the media…
Pavagada solar park: The dark side of a shining story
16 June 2020, Bhuvaneshwari, S. The Hindu
The price of a migrant worker’s dream
18 June 2020, Tasneem Siddiqui, the Daily Star [Bangladesh]. See also the short photo narrative “Mother, don’t ever forgive,” written and produced by Tasneem Siddiqui alongside her team at RMMRU.