This October, the GoST (Governance of Sociotechnical Transfromations) project met in Nairobi, Kenya, for a policy stakeholder workshop organized by project partners the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) and the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU). At this early stage in the work of the project, the purpose was to stimulate critical discussion among a high-level group of experts representing diverse perspectives on the different sectors addressed by the project (energy, agriculture, urban digital infrastructures).
For some reflections on the workshop, see the blogs by GoST Principal Investigator Andy Stirling:
What drives transformations to sustainability? Some reflections from recent discussions in Nairobi
Alternative imaginings of transformation: opening emancipatory spaces for sustainability politics
Sustainability, transformation and power: rebalancing expertise with democratic struggle
Photos: African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS)
A video from the workshop is available on the GoST project website.