Our April 2019 newsletter includes links to a number of journal articles, blogs and other publications from the T2S community:
‘Modes of engagement: reframing ‘sensing’ and data generation in citizen science towards empowering relationships’, is a new book chapter co-authored by João Porto de Albuquerque of the Waterproofing Data project. The chapter provides a theoretical framework, inspired by the ideas of the Brazilian pedagogist Paulo Freire, and focuses on the dialectic relationship between researchers and citizens and the ways it directs co-production methods rather than solely outcomes. This conceptual framework will be followed throughout the implementation of the Waterproofing Data project.
The chapter will be published as: de Albuquerque, J. P. de & de Almeida, A. A., “Modes of engagement: reframing ‘sensing’ and data generation in citizen science for empowering relationships”. In: Mah, A. and Davies, T. (forthcoming), Toxic Truths: Environmental Justice and Citizen Science in a Post Truth Age. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. A pre-print is available.
Views from the coast: Uncertainty beyond Climate Change, Nathan Oxley. This blog draws on a visit undertaken as part of the TAPESTRY project,
A. Stirling, How Deep Is Incumbency? Introducing a ‘Configuring Fields’ Approach to the Distribution and Orientation of Power in Socio-Material Change, SPRU Working Paper 2018-23, November 2018.
Politics in the language of uncertainty is the first in a series of three blog posts about uncertainty by Andy Stirling. The second is How politics closes down uncertainty, and the third, Towards a more convivial politics of science.
Water crisis’ disproportionate toll on women can no longer be ignored, Lyla Mehtu and Ria Basu, Firstpost, 22 March 2019.